Welcome to S-Mama Blog!

I am Mima – Sofie’s Mom, ex-Student Mom, and Super Mom.

The written word is my passion, and through this blog, it has found its way into the world.

Who is Mima?

A dreamer, book lover, lover of the seventh art, and a feminist.

I came to Germany from Serbia ten years ago, drawn by love and studies.

As for official titles (if anyone is even interested), I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in media studies.


Why S-Mama?

S can signify many things, in my case, it primarily stands for Sofie’s Mom, Student Mom, and Super Mom.

I am S-Mama, the main author of this blog, but I am not the only one who makes this blog come alive with their texts.

There’s S-Dad, who provides a unique perspective from a father’s point of view, actively participating in family life.

Let’s not forget the modest but important contribution of S-AuntAna, enriching the blog with fresh student experiences.

What topics does the blog cover?

Since the inception of the blog, things have changed.

I have successfully completed my master’s studies, so the reference to Student Mama now becomes ex-Student Mama. That doesn’t mean I’ve exhausted all topics related to studying with a child or studying in Germany. Stay tuned…

The blog was initially created with the idea of targeting young parents, especially students, to demonstrate through personal experience that it’s entirely possible to successfully study and build a family, even in a foreign country.

As the blog grew, the target audience expanded, so those interested in living in Germany and the cultural differences, especially in child-rearing, between the Balkans and Germany, are welcome. Given the significant differences in child-rearing practices between the Balkans and the West, you might find it interesting to hear firsthand experiences from someone living abroad. 🙂

Being a parent is the most beautiful role in the world! But we are not just moms and just dads, are we?

That’s precisely why there will be topics here that are not strictly related to children and parenting.

As someone with expertise in media by education, the blog will also feature articles about books, movies, series, and other forms of media.

S-Mama Blog is also a place where people gather to motivate others with their experiences and try to help, even if only through words.

I can’t bypass the personal side, where the mom steps aside, and Mima emerges, who has a lot to say, especially when it comes to women’s rights and their position in society.

We’re here to break stereotypes of all kinds and learn together!

This blog wouldn’t exist primarily if it weren’t for my daughter, Sofie, who is my greatest inspiration and motivation, and my husband, Marko, who provides me with immeasurable support and love.

Thank you for being here.

